October Books

I went to the Library today looking for books for my daughter and I also found a couple of books for myself that caught my attention. I have no idea what they are about but I’m excited to find out, Sometimes it’s just fun to pick out books from the library shelves to read.

I like being adventurous and picking up books that just stand out to me. I normally like to do a little research on the books that I want to read, But like I said I was feeling a little adventurous and here are the lucky winners for this month.

1. Like Water for Chocolate –

Laura Esquivel

2. Friendship

By Emily Gould

3. Falling

By Jane Green

4. Herstory

By Deborah Gore Ohrn

Happy Valentines Day

I have a story to share today with you guys. So I went to my nearest book store and was looking around to see what I would find and I came across to this section where they had many books that were wrapped and you could not see the title of the book only a short description of what the book was about. And this is what I got. I will leave a link from amazon in case you want to grab a E copy for yourself.

Title: The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop & Cafe

Author: Mary Simses

Link: http://amzn.com/B00A4H1Y1S

Lake Piru, California

Lake Piru, California
Lake Piru, California

Lake Piru, California is the place we went camping for the first time with my family and friends to try out and see if we can do it again. We all had a blast and the kids were kids running and playing it was a great way to relax. I am sharing this with you guys so one because I had so much fun and it was a beautiful place and so close to home. secondly I want you guys to know me a little bit more in the sense of what I like to do besides me reading books and writing reviews.

Here I am
Here I am

Here I am trying to take a picture of myself with the lake showing in the back but as you can see the sun was hitting me right in the face so my eyes kind of closed. This was the second day there we took the kids to fish and get wet.


 On our last day of camping we got woken up by one of nature’s friend. It was a wonderful experience to see it and be with my family.

GREY ( Book Four) Fifty Shades of Grey



Grey is the Fourth Book of the Fifty Shades of Grey Series. I am very glad that I read this book I was hesitant of reading it because I had assumed that it was all going to be the same but boy was I surprised that it felt very different and as I read more I wanted to find out where this book was going to reveal and what were the thoughts of Mr. Grey meeting Anastasia for the first time in his office. I have to say it was so intense Christian didn’t sugar-coated anything. He went straight to the point to the things he wanted to say to her but wouldn’t dare to say it out loud. It was graphic more than Ana’s point and this was a wonderful surprise and that’s why I kept reading because it was nice for me to read something and have the male telling his point of view.

 For example when Mr. Grey goes into the hardware store he actually just went to see her he never had any business meetings to attend and he was in denial of already liking this girl who interviewed him and that he only claimed to want her as his submissive


Here we have Mr. Grey thinking how was he going to break it down to her and ask her if she wanted to be his submissive. He was afraid of rejection and in the first book when Ana was telling it we had no idea this is what he was thinking of being so afraid she would say no. So than there he decided to stay in the city and invited Mrs. Steel for coffee or something and then break it down to her about this whole submissive stuff.

All this little things that were going in his head is what made me read more and I think I enjoyed reading this book more than all the first three books. I do hope the author continues and gives us all three books of his point of view. Because hands down I will be buying those books too. I honestly would have liked these books to have been the first three in Christian Grey’s point of view instead of Ana. The reason I say this is because her subconscious would drive me crazy it was a little annoying how low self steam she had and I get we would probably all would have that at first if we had a rich guy come up to use and wanting more than a submissive relationship but it kind of got old.

Anyways the bottom line is that I do recommend these books but I would have to say start with the fourth book Grey and then go with the first, second and third book last. I do hope there is more of Mr. Grey point of view for book two and three. My rating for this book is a four star because I was very happy with the outcome of the book and all those surprises that I thought this book was going to be like and the author left me completely in awe.


Forgive Me Book 2 of Say Something Series

forgive me

TITLE: Forgive Me 

AUTHOR: Salice Rodgers 

SERIES: Say Something Book 2 


In this second book of Forgive Me we have Frank and Tank in the loose we don’t know what happen to them. They got a head start of escaping the town after finding out that Joslynn’s father had failed to kill her and that lover boy Marshall Andrews. The police didn’t even have a clue of where to start looking for them. In another had we also have Marshall gone out of the picture too. We don’t know if he is alive or dead after Joslynn’s father shooting him. He was rushed to the hospital as well as Joslynn but after that he was gone.

Months had passed now and there was still no news of Marshall and his brother. Josylnn’s friend was now back and healthy from her addiction. While Joslynn was trying to get better she decided to go for a walk and she went alone. Tank took that as a perfect opportunity to take her and god knows what he was going to do to her. While her friend Taylor was at home worried that she had not yet returned she hears a knock on the door and hurries to go open it and see Marshall standing there tears start coming and she gives him the shocking news that Joslynn’s nowhere to be found.

Book Review

I am in-loved with this series really its been a while that I have not read something so good that I could not put this book down. The characters were awesome I really, really liked them a lot. I think they were very well written and they were even charming even the bad guys were made really bad that I really felt like i hated them and wanted them to get captured by the cops and put in jail and never see the light of the day. Specially the dad and the uncle how could a father be so abusive and accuse his daughter for being responsible for the mother leaving them both.

I read this book really quick because it is a little short but with a lot suspense and thrill of what was going to happen next and how this story was going to end. I will recommend this series to everyone because I really enjoyed it a lot and it was such a joy to read this story….


As many of you already know Grey is now available for you to purchase and read. I already grabbed my copy and started reading a couple of pages and not bad at all. This book is part of  The Fifty Shades Of Grey but in the point of view of Christian Grey. The author did this book for her fans because a lot of them had been asking even myself included. I am very curious to start reading this book and see how Christian thought of Anastasia for the very first time he meet her.  I want to know what he thought when Ana asked that question Mr. Grey are you Gay? and find out his reaction and when she had asked him such question. Down below are two links for you to grab your copy enjoy….

Amazon Link  Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian by E L James
Link: http://amzn.com/1101946342

BN  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/grey-e-l-james/1122036118?ean=9781101946343


The Dystopian Nation of City-State

A cruel, futuristic vision created by science fiction authors James Courtney and Kaisy Wilkerson-Mills. ©2013-2016. All Rights Reserved. All writings available through Amazon.


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